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Development of Democratic Traditions

Page history last edited by Mr. Hengsterman 1 year ago




The Evolution of the American Character 

#1 American passion for freedom - It takes many forms political, religious, and economic

#2 Pursuit of education is the fundamental form of opportunity to make yourself into whatever you wish. Far different from old world entitlements handed down from dynasty to dynasty.

#3 The value of popular government – Americans never seriously doubted the right of the people to rule democratically 

#4 We as Americans are willing to experiment with new things!!!







 The Evolution of the American Character
Democratic developments in Colonial America


Formation of the Virginia House of Burgesses (1619)


Mayflower Compact (1620)


New England Townhall Meetings (1629)


Colonial Assemblies


Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1639)


Maryland Act of Toleration (1649)


Zenger Case  (1735)


Albany Plan for Union (1754)

Salutary Neglect


The Enlightenment (1720s to 1790s)






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