Important Thinkers of the Enlightenment



Important Thinkers  Influencing American Political Theory


John Locke: Second Treatise on Civil Government (1690) (late 17th  century during England's "Glorious Revolution") 

Men set up governments in order to protect their property  Natural Rights: Life, liberty, and property 

Natural right to rebellion: A government that oversteps its proper function  becomes a  tyranny. Rebellion can be avoided if government  respects the  right of its citizens and if the people defend their liberties. 


Baron de Montesquieu: The Spirit of Laws(1748)

Checks and balances; separation of powers among 3 branches of gov’t  Despotism could be avoided if political power were divided    and shared by  a diversity of classes and orders holding unequal rights  and privileges.


Adam Smith: Wealth of Nations (1776)

Most significant work on capitalism ever written; founded  modern economics; Formulated the idea of a free economy; contrasted sharply with mercantilism

Free competition, via private enterprise, would result in greater income for everyone, not just the rich.