
The Civil Rights Movement

Page history last edited by Mr. Hengsterman 9 years, 8 months ago


The Election of 1952, Eisenhower, and Civil Rights Gains





Era of Good Feelings Redux?





Video source www.livingroomcandidate.com



When dealing with people, President Eisenhower was liberal, but when dealing with the economy and the government, he was conservative.  He strived to balance the federal budget and to guard America from socialism.







The Election of 1952  

The United States presidential election of 1952 took place in an era when Cold War tension between the United States and the Soviet Union was escalating rapidly. In the United States Senate, Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy had become a national figure after chairing congressional investigations into the issue of Communist spies within the U.S. government. McCarthy's so-called "witch hunt", combined with national tension and weariness after two years of bloody stalemate in the Korean War, the Communist Revolution in China, the 1949 Soviet acquisition of nuclear weapons, and the early-1950s recession, set the stage for a hotly fought presidential contest.


Unpopular incumbent President Harry S. Truman decided not to run, so the Democratic Party instead nominated Governor Adlai Stevenson II of Illinois; Stevenson had gained a reputation in Illinois as an intellectual and eloquent orator. The Republican Party countered with popular war hero General Dwight D. Eisenhower (and VP Richard Nixon) and won in a landslide, ending 20 consecutive years of Democratic control of the White House.




Modern Republicanism (Read More)
“conservative when it comes to money and liberal when it comes to human beings.”

On the political front, the president was less enamored by such purchasing power than the public.  A fiscal conservative, Eisenhower instituted what he called “Modern Republicanism.”  In his own words, he described himself as, “conservative when it comes to money and liberal when it comes to human beings.”  

He cut the federal budget and instituted measures to increase states' rights but at the same time increased Social Securityand raised the minimum wage.  He also created the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, which he placed under the guidance of Oveta Culp Hobby of Texas. 


Eisenhower signed legislation that created the Interstate Highway System, laying the basis for the modern interstate system used today.   Many of the existing New Deal programs established by his predecessors remained during Eisenhower’s tenure, and the primary focus of his presidency dealt with diffusing the mounting tension of the early Cold War.




The American people in the 1950s  (See graphic organizer)
 Homogenized society – buys same thing/has same values – keeping up with the Joneses. White collar jobs outnumber blue collar jobs





Seeds of the Civil Rights Revolution

Congress resists change, President Eisenhower not interested, the courts begin to  address social issues.The Warren Court refers to the Supreme Court of the United States between 1953 and 1969, when Earl Warren served as Chief Justice. Warren led a liberal majority that used judicial power in dramatic fashion, to the consternation of conservative opponents. The Warren Court expanded civil rights, civil liberties, judicial power, and the federal power in dramatic ways.


Current State Spending Per Pupil





Brown v. Board of Education (1954) ruled that segregation in public schools was unequal and thus unconstitutional. The decision reversed the previous ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). Local History -Saratogian 1952





Emmett Till’s Murder (1955) Emmett Till's abduction and murder in Mississippi in August 1955, and the subsequent acquittal of his killers the following month, became not only a national story, but also put Southern racism into the international spotlight. These events became a major force in the advancement of the Civil Rights Movement  - Bob Dylan's Death of Emmett Till




Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955) A yearlong successful boycott after Rosa Parks refuses seat. Martin Luther King (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) gains status and proved blacks could unite.




Associations Homer Plessy vs Rosa Parks Connections to MLK


Little Rock 9 (1957) Arkansas high school integrated only after Eisenhower intervenes over government (State’s Rights?)





Little Rock ReunionFederal State Relations



Lessons from Little Rock -  Federal Supremacy:

President Eisenhower declared “In that city [Little Rock] under the leadership of demagogic extremists, disorderly mobs have deliberately prevented the carrying out of proper orders from a federal court….the President’s responsibility is inescapable.  In accordance with that responsibility, I have today issued an Executive Order directing the use of troops under federal authority to aid in the execution of federal law at Little Rock, Arkansas.”



Supplemental Video Links - The Civil Rights Movement



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